A.A. History Articles
to Come from 6 Video/Guidebook Release
“Bill W., Dr. Bob, and
the Cure of Alcoholism: The Rest of the Story”
Dick B.
© 2014 Anonymous. All rights reserved
What Our Forthcoming
A.A. History Videos and Guidebook Will Reveal to You
Shortly, my
son Ken and I will be publishing our 6 Videos and Accompanying Guidebook on A.A.
History and he missing historical patches involving where A.A. came from, what
its cofounders believed, and how the recovery successes of many organizations
of and after the 1850’s highlighted help from God and helping others as the
keys to 12 Step recovery techniques from 1935
recovery leaders, most AAs, most academics, and most clergy simply base their
evaluations of A.A.’s program on scattered patches of practices that have occurred
in A.A. over the last decades.
They may
treat A.A. as monolithic. They may—without the evidence—assume A.A. or AAs are
somehow promoting not-god, any god, or no God. They may be using words like
higher power, spirituality, and light bulbs and trees as substitutes for the
power and love of God.
A real look
at the gaping historical holes and the material that can fill them with
accuracy may not only enlighten them, but may convince them that they need more
facts to understand the widely diverse membership, ideas, religious and
non-religious beliefs, and historical views of the drunks in A.A.
And our new
A.A. history series will show you what you have been missing. It will tell you
about the influence of Vermont Christian people and organizations on recovery
ideas. It will tell you what those people and organizations were and what they
did with great success. It will tell you the details of the Christian
upbringing and Bible studies of A.A.’s cofounders. It will highlight how the
first three AAs got sober relying on God and the Bible for guidance. It will
show you how the 7 point program of the early Akron AA Christian Fellowship was
Akron’s recovery foundation. It will describe for you the sixteen practices the
Akronites used to implement the seven points. It will show you the real
contributions of the Bible to the basic A.A. Step ideas. It will detail for you
what AAs took from the Book of James, Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, and 1 Corinthians 13.
Our new A.A.
history series will introduce you to the multiple manuscripts written by Bill
Wilson before the 1939 Big Book. These manuscripts were obtained by Dick B.
with permission from Stepping Stones in 1991. It will show you how much of the
Twelve Step ideas actually was presented to Bill by his friend Ebby Thacher
when Bill was still hospitalized. It will show you the precise contributions to
Bill’s Twelve Steps made by Dr. Silkworth, Professor William James, and
Reverend Sam Shoemaker.
All these
resources will be presented and discussed and enable you to decide where you
want to begin becoming an AA servant, speaker, sponsor, member, newcomer, and
student who really know Bill Wilson’s actual specific references to God, the
Creator, his Heavenly Father, the Bible, Jesus Christ, and his vital religious
experience and prior new birth
In other
words, when you see, hear, and read the video materials, you will also have
seen, heard, and read about the historical materials you’ve been missing—the materials that really show you the role that God, His
Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible have played in A.A. and recovery
Gloria Deo
The six new videos and guidebook on A.A. history and "the rest of the story" will open the door to other A.A. History and Christian Recovery history that is covered in the 46 books, 1600 articles, blogs, newsletters, posts on forums of new research and discoveries by AA author and historian Dick B. www.dickb.com/Turning.shtml