Wednesday, January 22, 2014

An alcoholism cure? Can you state how many early AAs said specifically that alcoholism could be and had been cured?

We now know that Dr. Silkworth said alcoholism could be cured. We now know that Bill Wilson said the Lord had cured him. We now know that Dr. Bob phoned the hospital to tell the nurse that he and Bill had found a cure for alcoholism. We now know that A.A. number three specifically agreed with Bill Wilson that the Lord could cure alcoholism and had done so. We now know that Clarence Snyder said alcoholism could be cured. We now know that in the A.A. General Service office in New York there are scrap books for sale which quote dozens of early AA statements that these men had been cured of alcoholism.

Treat your friends to "the rest of the story" when it comes to these positive pieces of evidence.


  1. "Henrietta, The Lord has been so wonderful to me curing me of this terrible disease that I just want to keep talking about it and telling people." Can you turn to the page in the latest edition of the Big Book and find this declaration by Bill Wilson!

  2. For some extensive documentation of statements by AAs about the cure of alcoholism, see Dick B., "Cured! Proven Help for Alcoholics and Addicts"
