Accurate, Comprehensive, Up-to-date Alcoholics Anonymous History Materials by Author Dick B.
Dick B., Author, Historian, Retired attorney, Bible student, CDAAC, Recovered AA with over 27 years of continuous sobriety; author of 46 titles and over 1500 articles on A.A. History and Christian Recovery, Dick B., International Christian Recovery Coalition, Christians in A.A., Alcoholics Anonymous for Christians, Big Book, 12 Steps, Role of God in A.A., Role of Jesus Christ in A.A., Role of Bible in A.A.
Dick B.
Shared publicly - Jul 27, 2013
Enhancing your $249.00 bargain acquisition of the Dick B. 29 Volume A.A. History Reference Set.
Our gift enables you to do this in several ways -free
How to Maximize the Value, Use, Information, and Message of the Dick B. 29 Volume A.A. History Reference Set and Do So Free. Our gifts to You
How to Maximize the Value, Use, Information, and Message of the Dick B. 29 Volume A.A. History Reference Set and Do So Free. Our gifts to You
For some time we have kept the acquisition price for my 29 volume A.A. History Reference Set discounted to the very low amount of $249.00 with free shipping within USA. Many have availed themselves of the bargain for their personal use, for their institution or organization, for study groups, for research, and for keeps!
We still urge you right now—in preparation for our series of four conferences on A.A. history in Portland Maine, Livermore California, Foster City California, Tucson Arizona and Phoenix Arizona, and Roseville, California, in September and early October—to acquire the set while its discount saving makes it available to you for only $249.00 and still continues.
Additional Ways to Supplement Free the Information in the Dick B. 29 Volume A.A. History References Set Once You Acquire It. And do so free!
• In my Articles: Through finding and reading the more than 1500 articles written by Dick B. and posted on his main website, such websites as and aabibliography, and many others. These articles have frequently supplemented the materials and subjects in one or more of my books. They have frequently updated book materials. They have frequently provided much additional information valuable in understanding and using volumes in the set. All of these 1500 plus articles can be seen and downloaded by you free!
• Through my three search buttons on my main website (
There is a Google search available that can quickly take you to a site listed on Google that covers a subject or idea in my books, articles, blogs, and other resources of interest to you after finding them in my books or on your own.
There is a Google search available that will find anything amongst the huge amount of historical material posted on my own main website.
There is a Google search available that will take you to anything in my books themselves that is a subject of study, interest, or research.
All free!
• Through any of my frequent newsletters. These may notify you of conferences and broadcasts and publications on subjects in my book. They may add new information on a particular subject. They may tell you what others are saying about the material. And they may identify further findings about A.A. History or the Christian Recovery Movement. Sign up for our newsletter list on my main website All free!
• Through any of my several blogs. On “Blogger,” I have posted thousands of items on A.A. history and the Christian Recovery Movement. The main blog is There you will find close to 100,000 posts, now followed by a number of friends, and available to you free by subscription or by just clicking in. There are other members of this blog team dealing with International Christian Recovery Coalition, Alcoholics Anonymous History, and Alcoholics Anonymou History
Several other blogs can be found on WordPress,Tumbler,In the Rooms, Hub Pages, Linked-in, Stumble, Cyber Recovery Social. Daily Recovery, Bluiditi, and on Recovery Internet Fellowship.
All free!
• On my Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus postings. Free!
• And by simply phoning me ( 808 874 4876 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Why So Much of This Supplementary Material is Free
Over the last 24 years, many many benefactors have made donations, often tax free when arranged.
There is a new Agape Circle by which one psychiatrist, one clergyman, one publisher, one treatment program owner, one businessman, one owner of four restaurants, and four different churches (in Livermore, Brentwood, Westminster, and San Diego) with others on the way all send modest monthly amounts to me helping to meet expenses. And we welcome these sustaining funds.
Past and present book sales have produced some of the large and necessary funding.
Some of my retirement money has been used.
Past and present book sales have produced some of the large and necessary funding.
Some of my retirement money has been used.
And sometimes honoraria are paid to us where we speak, or travel-meals-lodging expenses are paid to reimburse us for our many travels within the United States.
Join in, if you like. We certainly like.
And your dollars will go a long way when you invest $249.00 in the 29 volume reference set, and then use the many supplementary methods listed above.
Gloria Deo
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