Summary of Contents
1. What They Were Saying at Yale (in
the 1940's about the miracle of God's cure for drunks)
2. The Spiritual Origins of
Alcoholics Anonymous:
A Much Needed Historical Perspective.
Bill Wilson's "religious" backgroundDr. Bob's Bible Training, Christian Beliefs, and Religious AffiliationsHistorical void resulting from failure to distinguish between differing inputs of founderThe Bible Dr. Bob SourceThe Akron Genesis and its Bible/Dr. Bob SourceDr. Bob's Youth, Religious Training, and Christian ChurchInvolvementDr. Bob's Assertions on the Bible's ImportanceOld Fashioned Prayer and Revival in Akron MeetingsThe Christian Endeavor Movement ImpactDescriptions of Christian EndeavorThe Oxford Group Bill W. SourceThe Rowland Hazard Starting PointWilson's ConversionThe Real Message as to the New Man in Christ Not YetFashioned, and not from BillMelding the Two Different Sources Was the Appointed Task of Bill W.
3. The Akron Crucible Where It All
The Real Program of Early A.A.An Overview of What They Did in AkronThe Frank Amos Reports in 1938The Big Book Publication in 1939The Akron A.A. Recovery PamphletsThe Special Role of Three Women Pioneers - Anne Smith, Henrietta Seiberling, Eleanor Forde
4. The Real Spiritual Roots of Early
A.A.'s Program of Recovery
The Six Major Biblical RootsBible, Quiet Time, Anne Smith's Journal, Teachings of Rev. Shoemaker, Life-changingProgram of the Oxford Group, Christian Literature the Pioneers StudiedOther "Spiritual" RootsCarl Jung, William James, the "New Thought" crowd, the "Farther Out" crowdBill Wilson's Tight RopeConfusions Among the Conclusions
5. Who Let the "goofy gods" into
First, Who is God as Early AAs Spoke of HimSecond, Bill's Injected Substitutionary Words - never intended to invent "other" godsNot intended as false gods; God as we understood Him, Power Greater Than OurselvesHigher PowerEnter the "goofy gods" through the back doorA.A. People May Be Sick But They Are Not StupidIs There Any Prospect That the Nonsense Will Go
6. The Bible and Alcoholics
The OverviewYahweh, the Creator; Three Segments Dr. Bob Considered Essential; Additional PartsA Different Scene TodayA Study of the Sermon on the Mount in A.A.A Study of the Book of James in A.A.A Study of 1 Corinthians 13 in A.A.
7. The Creator and the Cure of
Alcoholism: Miracle or Myth?
What is the "alcoholism" of which the Pioneers were CuredThe Countless Claims of Cure by Early AAsThere is nothing new When It Comes to God's Miracles and CuresThe A.A. DetourBack on the Path to Yahweh and Accomplishing the "impossible"Cure! A Miracle or a Myth. You Decide
Appendix 1: The Creator's Personal
Name Is Yahweh
Appendix 2: Rev. Sam Shoemaker, an A.A. "co-founder" and Spiritual Source Appendix 3: Miracles Not to Be Forgotten - Miracles through The Ages Documented
Appendix 4: For A.A. Pioneers, Alcoholism Was Curable and Cured.
Appendix 2: Rev. Sam Shoemaker, an A.A. "co-founder" and Spiritual Source Appendix 3: Miracles Not to Be Forgotten - Miracles through The Ages Documented
Appendix 4: For A.A. Pioneers, Alcoholism Was Curable and Cured.
Paradise Research Publications, Inc., 186 pages; 6 x
9; perfect bound; 2006
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