Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How did the early AAs do it? 75% success (Akron), 93% success (Cleveland)

How did the early AAs do it? 75% success in Akron; 93% success in Cleveland? You'll wonder why you're not doing it now since you certainly can!

1 comment:

  1. I feel many of us have gotten away from the true Program.I hear memebers tell newcomers (dont rush into the steps,take your time)..I Beleive We need to get back to the Meat and potatos of this Wonderful Program. That is the 12 Steps.I Beleive if my Sponser would not have had me get into the steps Right away,I would not have found what I needed to stay Sober and give away what has been given to me.. For me I found all my answers in the Big Book and the 12 Steps.This is what I Pass on, If you want what I have today You have to Do What I Did.Read and Study The Big Book, Work The Steps and your Life WILL change.
